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Sella passeggero vintage con attacco a scomparsa per schienalino

Mustang Seats

The Mustang Passenger Backrest rear seat has a recessed front end to allow clearance when being installed behind a Mustang solo with the built-in driver backrest. These rear seats come standard with the straight driver backrest post as shown in the picture; the Mustang offset backrest post, part M-75099, can be used for those passengers who want to lean farther back. The backrest post can be adjusted for different height settings, and can be locked into place using the supplied knurled thumbscrew at the back of the seat. The tilt angle of the backrest pad can be adjusted forward and back using the thumbscrew on the back side of the upper post. The backrest upper can be folded flat for ease of mounting and dismounting. The passenger backrest should be folded flat when the cycle is ridden without a passenger.

Articolo con spedizione indicativa in 7-8 giorni lavorativi


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Tipo di moto:

Harley-Davidson 97-22 Touring


Utilizzare il Codice M78032 per montare la sella su tutti i modelli FL Touring dal 1999 al 2013.Non può essere utilizzato con nessun HD TourPak. Non adatta all'uso del corrimano.

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Via C. Battisti 27
46026 Quistello (MN)
P.IVA 02388610202

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Partiti dall'idea di creare qualcosa che potesse concretizzare la nostra passione per i motori, dal 2013 rappresentiamo un punto di riferimento per tutti gli appassionati di Harley Davidson.

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Sella passeggero vintage con attacco a scomparsa per schienalino

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